"Rumors, lies and innuendo spread far, wide, and fast on the Internet."

As for this week's discussion:
1st Critical Reflection
Well, there are pros and cons but personally, I almost doubt everything. Whether it is on the internet, or in the newspaper, we should never accept anything blindly. Based on my experience, parents and friends, I will probaby says no. But I do trust the internet a little.
There are some websites on the internet that can be reliable like The Star Online, Utusan Online, CNN, Discovery Channel and other websites that can be trusted and is well-known for its genuine on the information given they are mostly true, and can be accepted. Internet is a powerful tool in spreading out information in this global era. So whatever comes out on the net, people will rush through it quickly to gain information. Moreover, the news on the internet comes out faster compare than the newspaper which need to take some time to print thousands of copy before it can be distributed and sell.
At times, we should trust the internet more since a lot of newspapers and the news on the TV is controlled by the government. Therefore, the information given couldn't be fully trusted as the government will surely filter some parts of the information in order to take care of their names. The most clear example was during the election month for the politician. The media will be telling all the negative information for the opposing politician, but not for the government. But on the internet, many truth reveals there.
Sometimes, the information that you received by e-mail or chain message can be quite a shock. For an example, you got an e-mail telling you that your everyday favourite meal like a mushroom soup with certain brands have a high alcohol content with some poisonous chemicals that can eventually reduced your life-span. If you trust it, you will stop buying it anymore. The one who felt the cause of the forwarded message from e-mail to e-mail is the company who creates the product and their profits would most probably fall. See how powerful is the internet? Just a piece of an information could destroy a company.
2nd Critical Reflection
Some companies and politicians also use the internet to take advantage by telling fake information about themselves for marketting reasons. In order to enhance the positive perception and views of the society towards themselves, they will exagerate their achievements, cover up the bad news and even mislead their voters to gain some profit. The previous italic word is taken from the "truth and lies in media marketting". Click the link for more information.
Personally from my experience, I have been interviewed by Kosmo! to ask me about the incident when I got strucked by a dagger from 2 unknown stranger. I had told them everything I remember right from the start towards the end. But after that, when the newspaper comes out on the following day, the story is quit different from what I had told them. They just exaggerate it to make the story a little more interesting to read.
Some people thought that they can get a handful of information through browsing websites that most people unheard of. But how much can you trust the information given? Check out this video about Wikipedia.
For more extra information, try reading a book entitled "Truth, Lies and Trust on the Internet" by Monica T. Whitty and Adam Joinson.
Personal reflection
Well the class is noiser than usual. It's hard for me to pay attention since the people who sits around me couldn't stop talking. A lot of them doesn't even look at the front and talk about other things among themselves. Since I couldn't hear very clear of what Mr Radzi wanted to say, all I could do is looking at the slide and read it. Maybe I should sit in the front so that I can concentrate better and able to hear the lecture clearly.
This week Mr Radzi gave a lecture about how powerful the media is which can influence many people's thoughts eventhough it is not true. Even if it is just fictional which is made up, many people will get tricked by it and believe it since they doesn't know anything. Chaos can happens easily if the media is not under control. This really shows that the media is like a hand that holding the worlds together. It can make goood things happen and also destroy it anytime.
with passion,
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