8th Topic: Technology and Media

It’s typical for a new technology to be adapted within a culture and used to support existing patterns of behavior. With your own relevant examples, answer these questions.

1) What kind of culture influences through technology can you see from today’s world?
2) Is there a possibility to reshape the (new) culture today via new technology, How?

Here is a "viral video" that I found which fits the answers to the question perfectly, created by anthropology faculty & students at Kansas State University:

1st Critical Reflection
What kind of culture influences through technology can you see from today’s world?
There are many kinds of cultural influences through technology nowadays that gives a huge impact throughout the world. One of the basic influence that I can see is most people nowadays use to type the words rather than writing it down by using mobile phones or laptops. More and more people start doing this as the found out that this way we can edit it easily to correct the spelling, grammatical errors, and rearrange the words easily. By just pressing the key, the letters will come out instantly rather than need to draw the lines to create a letter which takes time. Other than that, we can also write notes on our mobile phones which we can easily carry it anywhere rather than bringing 2 items like a pen and a small notebook.

2nd Critical Reflection
Is there a possibility to reshape the (new) culture today via new technology, How?
With all the technology around us which grows each second, there is a possibility to reshape the culture. Past great writers may just use a feather pen to write a story, while writers today use computers to just type the words away. I found an interesting article regarding on this topic:
The students’ inspirations may have been great painters like Braque, Dali and Hockney, but their canvas was a computer and their palette Photoshop, version 8.0.
Princeton University weekly bulletin

Based on the article, we can conclude that the cultures have been changed with the presence of new technologies. This helps us if we look it in a good way which enhance our way of doing things. Lastly, our culture today have been reshape by the influence of the new technology that expanding worldwide.

Personal Reflection
The class this week was pretty interesting. The lecture is about the technology and media that is changing our culture by Mdm Helena. The video on the twitter that's say about Facebook and the Internet Culture was really interesting, not to forget about the use of iPhone that which changes the culture and make our lives easier.

This is also the last post for the Media Culture blog assignment. Throughout this class, I really enjoyed learning this subject and I've learned a lot on how media works around us. Thanks Mdm Helena & Mr Radzi for guiding us throughout this semester. =)

with... as always... PASSION!

7th Topic: Media Imperialism

The documentary entitled "The Power of Nightmares (Part 3 - Shadow in the Cave)" by Adam Curtis was shown in class on Monday. How do you relate the information given to you in the documentary to the theory of Media Imperialism

Here some definition of Media Imperialism to get some ideas what it is all about. Taken from wiseGEEK.com:

Media imperialism is a theory stating that smaller countries are losing their identity due to the force-feeding of media from larger nations. It can be equated to small community shops closing down due to large superstores moving in, taking over and having a monopoly. As the larger media corporations begin to take over, smaller media companies are either being forced out or swallowed up.

The media coverage of the larger nations has been criticized as having blanket coverage of the world's events. The media content may be affected by the ability to control the content and amount of media coverage on a particular issue. Many think that media imperialism has led to biased information and inaccuracy within news stories.

1st Critical Reflection
The documentary is about the Neo-Conservative movement in the United States of America and the radical Islamists. After the tragedy of 9/11, US Government use this advantage to accused the extreme islamist fault and have a reason to infiltrate other countries as an act of protecting their nation by bringing down the terrorist. But if we think of the matter more deeply, they really don't have any rights to infiltrate other countries and sly accusation without solid proof. They just use a theory of which will give the US Government a threat in time, but theory alone can't prove the real thing. This shows that media imperialism is so powerful which can easily influence our mindset.

2nd Critical Reflection
The power of media imperialism can be interpreted as hypnosis. As the politician said that he promised to protect us from nightmares which they called terrorist. However, we are really living in the world of fantasy and deception. Even though we realize that it is wrong to simply attack one land without further investigation, the media repeatedly trying to prove to us that the wrong is right and vice versa which eventually confused our mind in judging the truth and the lies. As the US Government controls the media, there will be biased information provided to us because they want us to think of what they want us to think and not the opposite of that.

Personal Reflection
I was absent on this week (sorry about that :p). But I was able to watch the documentary on my free time by asking my friends what we were supposed/told to do in the class. The documentary entitled "The Power of Nightmares (Part 3 - Shadow in the Cave)" by Adam Curtis. Since the length of the documentary is almost 1 hour, I almost bore myself. But I must say it is an interesting documentary which reveals the truth of the US Government that creates an imagination on the people's mind to let the government do whatever they want to do.

with passion,

6th Topic: Tetrad of Media Effects

"We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us"
-Marshal McLuhan-
the tetrad of media effects

1st Citical Reflection

On the above is a diagram of McLuhan's theory to examine the effects of any medium on society. Based on my research and understanding, I've come up certain meanings to elaborate a little on the elements of the tetrad.

Enhance: What does the new media or technology make something impossible, improve or enhance?

Increasing the effects of which focus on the practical actions by using a medium. It is to create a kind of power to engulf the previous problem faced as a solution.
eg: In the case of a car it would be the foot, in the case of a phone it would be the voice.

Obsolesces: What is pushed aside or obsolesced by the new media?

The significant medium of which that we used before will wear away and doesn't need to be use anylonger. The past medium will get sink.
eg: The car makes walking obsolete, and the phone makes smoke signals and carrier pigeons unnecessary.

Retrieves: What earlier action or service is brought back into play by the new form? What older or previously obsolesced media is brought back and becomes an essential part of the new form?

The once lost or sunk media will get recovered back their values and insight. It is needed to be part of the newly form media.
eg: The sense of adventure or quest is retrieved with the car, and the sense of community returns with the spread of telephone service. One might consider the rise of the cross-country vacation that accompanied the spread of automobile ownership.

Reverse: When pushed to the limits of its potential, the new form will reverse of what was its original characteristics. What is the potential reversal of the new form?

The reverse of improvement which result in unexpected dissatisfaction. When it is pushed to its limits, the medium will flips back on its user, creating a new problem.
eg: An over-extended automobile culture longs for the pedestrian lifestyle, and the over-extension of phone culture engenders a need for solitude.

2nd Critical Reflection
There are millions of reading material on the internet. Online news, comic books, magazines, articles and many more can be easily found widely. Using McLuhan theory, tetrad of media effects, I'm going to explain the media effects of being able to read an online manga on the internet.

Enhance: Its enhance our eyes to read lots of manga from various artist and titles that is shared online.

Obsolesces: Trip to the bookshop and searching on the shelves is no longer necessary

Retrieves: We were able to read alot of manga books online at the same time for free despite of wasting energy and money. We can just type what manga we wanted to read and can read it right away.

Reverses: Over-extended of reading the manga for free, will cause some thieves to download it and make a mass copy of it to create a pirated manga for the benefir of oneself. This in turn will cause the publisher to having a loss.

Personal Reflection
Surprisingly, Mr Radzi said that the due date for the 2nd assignment is today. It was a shocked, but it was a joke. Somehow, that teach me how to be prepared early.

Either I'm not listening very well, or Mr Radzi didn't speak quite clearly. Sometimes he explains something a little bit fast but low, and people who are sitting on the back can't catch what Mr Radzi is really saying.

with passion,

5th Topic: Obscenity, Pornography and Indecency

Obscenity, pornography and indecency: What are the differences between these terms?

1st Critical Reflection
According to "The Oxford Paperback Dictionary", the meaning of these terms are...

Obscenity; page 555:
1. being obscence.
2. an obscene action or word etc.

Pornography; page 622:
1. writings, pictures, or films intended to stimulate erotic feelings by portrayal of sexual activity.

Indecency; page 405:
1. offending against recognized standards of decency.
2. unseemly.

These terms have some connection with each other but aren't too similar. Some of them have the meaning in the sense of sexual part but not entirely. I shall explain it in an order to display the meaning and the difference between these terms.

2nd Critical Reflection
which derived from the word indecent is an improper or offensive act toward the public. However, it does not rise to the level of obscenity. For example, someone who sat down during the national anthem is sung or played is indecent. Touching or kissing in a public is also indecent. You can say that it is an immoral behavior but also, indecency is something that can be accept and not accept depends on the events or the cultures.

After that, comes obscenity. It is a behavior, word or a display of an act which contains sexual, offensive and lust. Obscenity is something that disgusting, outrageous or can incite lustful feelings. For example, offensive or unacceptable words like mocking or cursing is obscenity. Watching people stripping off their clothes in a strip club which can arouse lust is obscenity. Easier said, it is offensive to ethical principles and moral values.

While indecency can be said as a rude behavior and obscenity is a more outrageous than indecency, pornography is much focus on the sexual part of it. It is a depiction of sexual acts in a material that can cause sexual excitement. Picture and movies that generally contains a sexy person or nude is considered as pornographic materials. It is also known as a display of sexual intercourse but in a form of media and it intended to stimulate sexual desire.

Personal reflection
We waited almost half an hour in the class for the lecturer to come only to find that there are no class but just a brief for our 2nd assignment by Mr Radzi. Well, we are informed to write an essay about "The Role of Media in Socializing; Discuss the human needs that the Media help satisfy in term of the News and Entertainment." for 800 words.

with passion,